The following local businesses are supporting BSHC employees by offering exclusive discounts to staff when presenting their ID badge.

10% off Ken's Towing Service

10% off flat rate or hourly legal services at Blair Law Firm

10% off 606 Lumber Jacks

20% off at Appalachian Wireless

10% off all Noodle & Boo products

20% off entire order for all BSHC employees 

Contact me Ashlee Borders 

Text: 606-371-3853 

Website : www.MaryKay/aborders

10% off at Childers Auto & Truck Parts

10% off at Appcycled

8% off at AT&T

10% off, when showing BSHC Badge at Ivy Grey Boutique

4065 North Mayo Trail Pikeville, KY 41501.

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